Firefly 7-15 (2200m3, 77000 cu ft) . 18 gores. 1996. French registered F-GPHB, Airworthiness to Sept 2018, 384 h total flight time (incl 42 h tether) . No artwork. S/N F7-911. 3 Velcro panels for advertisements (6 m x 6m) . Firefly basket, S/N 5097, type S5OA1, triangle shape with leather trim, 4 passengers. Single Mirage Burner F1 S/N 368, 3 vapor pilot lights, whisper safety burner. 4 Worthington cylinders, with heating bags plus one spare Worthington. Altimeter, VSI, pressure gauge, fire extinguisher, quick release with karabiners, and all the necessary gear complete & ready to fly. Matching brown leather and bags fabric. 50 m drop line, Nomex safety blanket, first aid kit. Honda 5.5 HP 3-blade fan. Refueling hose (6 m) with assortment of fittings. Heavy duty tether ropes and straps, with karabiners. Single axle trailer LIDER 750 kg built 2008 (with 900 kg axle installed 2014) , fully covered, brand new tyres. � 6500 (£ 5900 aprx) (Christian – +33 661144822