Fan Props-Fan Props! Zebedee has a range of sizes; some new; some used so ask us if you need a replacement. See picture on website for size information needed (Z0263)
5hp Honda GX160 fan-5hp Honda GX160 fan. Wooden propeller, red frame. Starts easily. Good condition (Z0269) Euro 350 (Claude Gouzerh – 33(0) 6 85 60 77 67
Cameron Honda 5hp GX140 engine-Cameron Honda 5hp GX140 engine. Red frame & solid wheels. Just back from service inc prop re-furb. Good solid black cage. Ref F205 £375 (Zebedee – 01488 681527)
Thermal Aircraft / Honda 5hp-Thermal Aircraft / Honda 5hp. Not much use since service & prop refurb. Black frame. (F207) £300 (Zebedee – 01488 681527)
8 hp fan with new Kavanagh carbon fan blade and cage-8 hp fan with new Kavanagh carbon fan blade and cage. Engine had little use. Located Hunter Valley. Australia. (Z0291) $995AUD (Daren Pallett +61 2 439766441 or
Cameron 8hp GX240 Honda fan-Cameron 8hp GX240 Honda fan. Stainless steel frame, carbon fibre blade. No cracks in frame, cage or blade damage. Very good condition. (Z0331) £1050 OVNO. No VAT. (Kim Hull – 07516 767687
8hp-8hp, stainless steel flip wheel frame fan.. Very good condition. (Z0317) £1,000 (Andrew Marten – +44(0) 7836 345148
8hp fan 2nd generation fan frame with swing wheels and carbon propeller-8hp fan 2nd generation fan frame with swing wheels and carbon propeller. Everything is new or almost new that matters. Photos on request. (Z0395) £1500. (Andy Rawson – 07970 273040 01889 588608 )
13hp Fan-13hp Fan. Ready soon! Almost brand new engine. In fact I think it is. Shows no signs of being used even smells new when it’s started. But sold as second-hand. It will have new everything else except the frame which is second-hand. (Z0394) £2100 (Andy Rawson 07970 273040 or 01889 588608 )