The big news this month in all respects is Henk Bembom’s sale of the unflown Unicef Cameron R-700. Just proves that some items might spend years in the List, but many do find a home in the end. Davd Usill’s G-WOTW, an Ultramagic M-77 bearing a map of the world has also found a new home whilst Roy Battersby has ended up giving away his aged V-56 envelope G-BLUJ. Two baskets have also sold in December – from Richard Parry and Haydn Board, whilst Graeme Church is now offering the bottom end of G-SPEL as a separate lot having disposed of all other items.
New for January is a lovely Cameron C-60 G-CGFN from Gary Madelin complete with a two person basket and a Mini Shadow single burner – all designed to save weight. Meanwhile Peter Mossman is now splitting his aged but ‘crispy fabric’ O-65, G-BIGL. These early 1980s envelopes might be bulky to pack away but have stood the test of time in respect of colour retention and lack of mould or smell compared with the soft PU coated fabric of the following 20 years. Also back in the List is Thunder Ax3 G-NEIL with homebuilt ‘hopper’ style bottom end. The combination is Annexe 1 and is only listed after a Middle Eastern sale has been thwarted by the terrible hostilities in the region.
It is good that there are already deals being done at this time of year. Our experience is that the next couple of months is the busiest time of year so a good time to get those ads into us. Just email us with words, picture, contacts & price. We can usually get items onto ‘Stop Press’ in a few days.
Finally we report the sad death of Northampton based pilot Peter Lawman. He owned several balloons and has been a Zebedee List user and customer for many years. Condolences from us to his family & friends.