It is good to report some successful sales during August. Gone are the Guinea Pig special shape G-GPIG, Alison’s G-PHSE, the envelope only of G-BWUU with another Zebedee envelope away ‘on appro’ at the time of writing.
Once again a whole host of balloons and equipment move over from ‘Stop Press’ to the main List this issue including complete examples of 31, 77, 90 and 105 sized balloons, the old but amusing ‘Chad’ 77 envelope and an 8hp fan.
Readers will know from our box ad that we hold the BBAC’s stock of Aerostat magazines, which until recently meant we could cover the entire range (bar one) from 1976 to 2022. We still have plenty of stock of most issues, but if you want to dispose of the following issues (only) we would like to hear from you ….. Any of the old 10 x 8 issues up to December 1977, ‘Autumn 1980’, June 2010, June/August 2015, October/December 2017, February 2019, June/December 2020.
Both Facebook and our Stop Press reported mid-month that Ian Wadey had his silver-grey Landrover Discovery 4 LR61 FLY stolen from his drive at Storrington, West Sussex on the night of 14th August. Unfortunately on board was Ian’s flight bag – a red/blue T&C version containing a Flytec Vario, ICOM A6E radio, pair of binoculars and a GPS. Should anyone hear of such equipment being offered ‘on the cheap’ or in dubious circumstances please contact Ian ( or report it to the police.
A date for your diary is the every popular British Balloon Museum & Library luncheon at Donnington Grove Hotel, Newbury RG14 2LA on Sunday 29th October. The price has been held this year at a very reasonable £25 per person & you can book through the website at so come along and meet friends old and new!