September proved a quiet month for sales from the List – two double burners and a couple of fans being the largest sales, supplemented by the usual crop of bits & pieces from the ‘Other’ section.
New for October is a Cameron envelope with wheelchair basket. This has been added to the complete balloon section despite having no burner or tanks included, although the latter are available separately. The details of Oscar Lindstroem’s items for sale from Sweden are scant at the moment but we will update when we hear more. Similarly the burner frames from Graeme Scaife lack exact measurements but see the pictures and remember the average brick is 9 inches (23cm) long! John Hilditch has added a last minute ad to the List for an Annexe 1 Airtour AH-31, G-BKVY. Remember that One Man season is upon us with the annual One Man Meet coming up on the weekend of 8th-10th October at Cirencester Park, Glos. Contact
Amongst Oscar’s new ads is one for a T&C AS-56 Airship gondola which reminds us that the complete T&C airship G-BXKU, advertised here some time ago was eventually sold to Bob Frankham who with determined effort assembled all the parts, renewed its C of A and is now slowly clocking up his airship hours. He called us recently to say how pleased he was that we had drawn his attention to the ad!
Oscar has also added a ‘wanted’ ad to these pages for horizontal cylinders and an early Colt Cloudhopper burner. We think there must be a number of these gaining dust in barns etc …..
The large box ad from Arthur Street has been expanded and some of the larger items duplicated in the appropriate sections. Pictures of his items are available from Arthur.
The BBAC Main Committee has now ruled that Pilot Training Records for both the UK PPL and BPL are now available only from the DTO (David Court to help the Club to have more oversight of training. Zebedee can still supply the UK PPL Training Manual and of course, the red Pooleys Pilot’s log books.
Cameron Balloons have issued a Service Bulletin SB32 concerning QSO flanges on cylinders. At first it only concerned CB2901/2/3 cylinders but the 2nd version expanded that to just about all cylinders that may have been fitted with the undersize flange. The SB has since been raised to a CAA Airworthiness Directive. See Master ADSB sheet Issue 3 and G-2021-0010-E.