Boosted by the good summer weather it seems we have an increasing number of new pilots and new trainees joining our ranks here in the UK. This is reflected in the number of BBAC Training Records and Pilots Log Books being sold. It also means that good equipment (envelopes particularly) get sold promptly, witnessed by the rapid sale of Mary Gregory’s complete package and Gary Madelin’s bottom end both of which appeared in our ‘Stop Press’ section on the web during August. Also gone from the List is the LBL31A Hopper OO-BXX which has recently joined the UK register.
Joining these pages this month are the two envelopes in Italy from ‘Stop Press’ last month, a Cameron A300 envelope and a brand new André Van Wyk Customcraft one man basket and burner frame currently still in Thailand. This comes under Annexe II EASA Rules in Europe requiring to be flown under an Annexe II envelope, although there are rumblings of changes afoot in this area ….
Zebedee sends congratulations to Dominic Bareford at becoming World Champion at the Hot-Air World Balloon Championships held last month in Austria, so following father David with that honour – and becoming the first of the “new generation” British pilots in our sport to achieve such high competition results. Well done!
Both your Zebedee contacts have had email issues over recent weeks – Pete this time being without a landline for several days but swiftly resolved. Celia however has had more serious problems and if you have replied to her on her personal email address without response then we suggest re-sending to