Zebedee seems to have had one of its busiest months ever for sale of all sorts of items, from log books and small items to envelopes, burners and tanks. The larger items have mainly (but not all) gone abroad, whilst there is certainly a resurgence in progress in the UK, judging by the number of training manuals, log books and training records sold.
Two complete balloons and one envelope have left the List this time, all sold, whilst a complete 77 is new to these pages, along with the complete 90 which has been on the ‘Stop Press’ page of the website since mid May. Also from ‘Stop Press’ is a job opportunity down in Australia.
June will see the Zebedee van trundling up to the Bedale Meet in Yorkshire – 23rd to 25th June – so as usual small deliveries can be made there but please drop us a line in advance with required specific items …
Similarly if you need items for Metz, for purchase or hire then please give us a bit of warning. Despite the depleted tank list in this issue, we do still have tanks for hire, but limited at the moment to 40 litre (stainless or Worthingtons).