Our ‘old ads’ reminders have generated replies from just over 50% of those sent, so it would be nice to hear from the rest of you ….. This round up has resulted in one complete 140 being reported sold, a 105 envelope now withdrawn from sale, many smaller items now reported as sold and a fair few price reductions. Only one old ad has been “forcibly removed” so far as our email bounced back and no reply to a text to the number in the List.
Apart from the above, it has been a quiet month on envelope sales with only Koen selling his TR-70 Racer. Zebedee is still busy with a stream of items going in boxes, mainly to overseas customers.
Kim Hull is after an LBL Jetstream Srs II double burner, whilst here at Zebedee we have customers after three LBL V-30 cylinders.
Being a ‘Metz year’ we expect calls for hiring extra tanks and other bits & pieces to start soon. We have had a message from Daniel Gillespie requesting the hire of a van (19th July – 7th Aug) to carry an envelope and bottom end from the UK to Metz and the Coupe de Europe. Reply to djl.gillespie@hotmail.com if you can help.