2016 has started well for sales with rides operators obviously starting to sort ‘the fleet’ out for the coming season. Sold have been a 160 & two 210 envelopes plus a complete 180, together with a couple of suitable bottom ends.
Joining the list this month is a complete 210 and 275 both being mainly Hyperlast fabric along with a 160 envelope from Belgium. At the same time Russell Collins has a 180 size trailer for sale.
As many readers will have noticed, the website version of the Zebedee List now has a ‘Stop Press’ section, ahead of the monthly introduction. This will be used to add major items during the month, bring you urgent news or, as in January, the sad news of a stolen balloon. Minor changes and deletions will not be made until the monthly update but we recognise the frustration of having to wait several weeks to get your new ad on the air ….
The stolen balloon was G-CILM, a low houred (but well artworked) Cameron Z-77, taken from Normanton Golf Club (West Yorkshire) around 10pm on Monday 11th January. CCTV shows 2 people taking it off site towed by a quad bike. Details and serials are:
Weymar twin axle trailer s/n:222127
Cameron Z-77 envelope with Morson artwork s/n 11887
Lindstrand Jetstream Mk2 burner s/n: BU675
Lindstrand 105 Basket s/n: BA801
4 x Lindstrand V-30 tanks s/n : 733,734,735,736
2 x Cameron CB599 tanks s/n : 2965-1502,2536-1144 all with red covers.
8hp fan Honda engine…
T&C instruments
Full Lindstrand tether kit including quick release etc…
Any information to Martin on 07786 622802 or mjaballooning@googlemail.com. Despite extensive radio and internet coverage and local searches by Martin, nothing has yet been recovered.