The last month has been busy at Zebedee – and for our advertisers too judging by the items coming out for November …
Sold are a complete 275 and envelopes 25, 2 x 105s, 120 & 275 plus a whole host of baskets, burners and smaller items.
November must rate as ‘210 month’ with no less than 4 joining the List – 2 complete, 2 envelope only. Also in are 2 x 105 envelopes, a 133 envelope and the rare chance to pick up an Annexe II Airtour 77 complete.
One of the 105 envelopes (ex Rover) and a Cameron Mk4 single burner are from Chris Dunkley at Easy Balloons who promotes his items as the ‘Great HS2 sell off’ as he prepares to vacate his workshop amid compulsory land purchases which will enable trains to thunder through the Chiltern countryside on this controversial multi-billion pound project that will not benefit most of us!
As this page was being written, a lovely LBL105 basket/burner arrived at Zebedee for sale – see Bottom Ends.
Geoff Lane, whose pretty N-77 envelope failed a grab test recently is now splitting the rest of his kit, thereby releasing a very tidy Cameron 90 basket, burner and 4 x CB599 cylinders – and a Westfailia trailer. This and a couple more bottom ends and several fans boost the list this time ….. Happy hunting!