Apologies from the webmaster this month for the delay in the appearance of the List, which was due to circumstances beyond his control. Normal service will be resumed next month…
With only one complete 105 being notified as sold during May we can’t help feeling that some of you are holding back with your emails about what else has moved ….. Our annual round up of ‘static’ ads is about to happen …..!
For June we have 7 envelopes joining these pages (2 of them as complete balloons) ranging from a very low houred complete Lindstrand 35 via several 77s to a 140 envelope. Also new are a 77 bottom end from Martyn Billing and two rare 80 litre Titanium tanks on the used market from Mike Scholes ….
It is always encouraging when we receive emails like the one from Ed Chapman in Minnesota, USA recently. He told us he subscribed to the List over 20 years ago and advertised a Cameron D-96 (we remember!), met his wife in the local shop sending us a fax – and is happy to report that he is still married, still flying and has rediscovered us on the web …..!
For larger UK parcels we have been using My Hermes in recent months, with generally satisfactory results. The plus side for us is that they can be dropped off locally rather than us having to commit to be at base all day awaiting collections – and for you, a saving in P&P. Consequently all the BBAC Pilot / Crew / Instructor manuals now cost £5 P&P instead of £7.
Sad news to reach us on the 19th was the death of Annie Baker after a sudden deterioration of a recent illness. Husband John is well known in Dante / BBML circles and at various events selling books as JB Books – as advertised on the front page of our List. Annie’s favourite colour was purple and just about everyone at the huge turnout at her funeral followed John’s request to wear something that colour. A real purple haze! Commiserations to John, Chris & Andrew at their all too early loss …..