Regular viewers of our website will know that February saw a number of ‘Stop Press’ items posted mid month. These are now incorporated into this issue and include a complete UM H-31 Hopper with only 4 flights (G-reg but in Spain), a Cameron Z-275 envelope in Bristol and a little used 5.5hp ‘flip wheel’ fan. A number of other items including a complete Cameron C-90 and a 105 bottom end have been notified in the past few days.
Zebedee has added a set of three CB599 cylinders, a TT burner frame, a structurally intact 5hp front only fan cage (undipped) and in Zebedee’s Box, our quick release straps for use on Bonanno QRs when used Paolo’s way …. Two baskets join the List too – one a lovely Aristocrat 90 example with the dreaded dark cane disease in the base and both basket repair experts (Chris & Jeff) say “is too well made” to replace them cost effectively. The woodworm has been treated and the whole basket Danish oiled. Beautiful basket but not up to a Form One. It will find a home as a film prop etc in due course. The other is an old but beautifully restored Cameron 90-105 basket with some new horizontal canes, rope handles (top & bottom), runners and base hide. See the Zebedee Basket list.
We have also re-hashed our list of envelope bags for sale including, at last some photographs!
Meanwhile we can report that Andrew Lovell in Sweden has cleared all his offerings except an instrument box.
We are pleased to see that the BBAC AGM will be a ‘real one’ this year on Sunday 20th March at Brackley, Northants combined once again with a “Members Day” of talks & demos. Zebedee will be there with our usual spares etc and is the ideal time for us to deliver larger items (burner bags etc). Let us know if any other specific items should be loaded!
Looking further ahead, the BBM&L’s Covid-delayed Inflation Day will take place at Pidley, Cambs on 23rd April and if the weather behaves promises a good turn out of “oldies”, many not seen for a long time – or even never before! Mark Stelling has been busy ‘sleuthing’ the latter with a number of ‘rarities’ which will interest the crowd. The Bristol Balloon Collectors, Liam & Dan Whitelock are bringing a van load. They added their 60th envelope to the collection last week!