September will be remembered in the UK for another highly successful meeting at Longleat, organised by Andrew Holly and his team at Exclusive Ballooning. Enjoying near perfect weather all 6 slots were flown with over 100 balloons on most occasions. It was particularly good to see so many UK private balloons turn out for what is now the largest meet on the UK calendar.
Whether that explains the lack of sales this issue is not clear but only a few smaller items ‘moved’ during the month – unless you know better!
For October we have several envelopes joining the List including an oldish 69, plus 105 and 210 from Nigel Appleton and a complete (but being sold in parts) Ultramagic 105 from Dave McCutcheon. This issue also sees the re-appearance of David Chippings T&C AS-120 Airship G-BXKU.
Moving from ‘Stop Press’ last month are Alan Hall’s Colt 77A envelope in the old T&C ‘house colours’ and the bottom end from David Griffiths Cameron 120.
We are surprised that Robbie Mansfield has not sold his lovely Cameron C-70, G-CIOU which represents a good saving on new with just 51 hours flying.
Zebedee now has small stock of the popular Yaesu FTA-250L, 8.33 KHz airband transceivers for sale at a competitive price. See our Radio box, ref R125.
Sadly we have to report the news of the sudden passing of Zebedee customer Stefano Travaglia, long time balloon operator in Tuscany. With help from his many close friends and supporters, his family will continue to provide their wonderful flights for balloon passengers in the Florence and Siena area.
11th to 13th October sees the annual One Man Meet here in the UK, organised this year at Tenbury Wells by John Tyrrell and Wendy Rousell. The venue is the Cadmore Lakeside Hotel (WR15 8TQ) and flying starts around 4pm on the Friday. All “one manners” up to 60 welcome plus any duo Chariots etc. Zebedee will be there if you require any deliveries ….!
Finally, 27th October sees the annual British Balloon Museum & Library luncheon, this year at the Donnington Grove Hotel, Newbury. All the details including how to buy tickets is on the BBML website at …. See you there!