August proved to be a quiet month for sales – unless you know better! One balloon was temporarily withdrawn from sale, whilst a number of bottom ends once again found buyers. Please remember to report your sales – or tell us if you spot any ads where you know a sale has already been made.
New for September is a 77 – available as a complete balloon or envelope only from Chris Dobson. Also a chance to buy a well respected rides business near Stuttgart, Germany including balloons, vehicles etc. See Business Opportunities. A number of price reductions appear in this issue as usual …..
Zebedee is offering the first Kavanagh burner to pass through our hands – a double which has been used on an old but serviceable T&C 105 basket.
Also new are some refuelling hoses, a couple of clean Rego QSO 1985 Worthington cylinders with PRV/PPT completed in August 2016, and a T&C quick release.
Apologies for this List running later than normal. Both of your scribes have been on UK trips over the past couple of weeks and suddenly it is the 6th of September!
The forecast for the Grass Roots Meet (7th—10th September at Sackville Lodge, Bedford) has already resulted in the meet being ‘scaled down’ to a likely ‘social only’ weekend. Let’s hope the Exclusive Ballooning Meet at Longleat the following weekend will fair better.