After the flurry of activity in November, the past month has been quieter with no reported sales of envelopes although a number of bottom ends in particular have moved on.
New for January is a collection of goodies from Koen in Belgium – young 60, 90 and 160 envelopes plus 3 bottom ends and 2 x 8hp fans. Another bottom end is in from Chris Monk as is a Lindstrand 317 envelope in need of a lot of panels to make airworthy. A young complete 210 also enters the List from France. Zebedee has added a number of smaller items and updated pictures on the web for others. On the subject of photos, new advertisers may notice a code number – ‘Z0001’ etc appearing in their advert. This is not anything sinister but merely an experiment to help the identification of photos easier for the website program.
With help from Nick Compton, Zebedee now has its stock of Aerostat back issues sorted and filed. We can currently supply every edition from the 40 years 1975-2014 inc, although some issues are down to only 2 or 3 copies. We continue to have stocks of the A4 binders for magazines from 1978 onwards.
This intro is being written at the end of what has been the wettest and windiest UK December in memory with almost no chance of flying in the South of England – although Mark Stelling did report being becalmed one weekend in Scotland! Little surprise then that many customers we have heard from are set for meets in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Thailand, the Philippines and USA within the next two months.
Wherever you go we wish you a Happy 2016 with safe flying and that bargain you have always sought!